Meet Us at ISC West!

Hospital Security Device Management

Mitigate cyber risks and secure the devices that secure and protect your staff, patients, and critical equipment.

Physical security is critical for the safe operation of any hospital. It helps to protect staff and patients from violence, safeguards medical and patient care equipment against theft, and prevents unauthorized access to materials and sensitive information.

The proliferation of security devices such as surveillance systems, access control, intercom, and other physical security and building management infrastructure has made the task of managing, configuring, and cyber-protecting all these devices extremely challenging.

As a result, devices are not configured securely, passwords are not rotated regularly, and known device vulnerabilities are not patched promptly. Hence, devices remain very vulnerable to cyber-attacks, downtime, and, worse, data breaches.

“With SecuriThings, we finally have ongoing visibility
 into the availability of all our physical security devices
centrally and in real-time.”

— Director of Physical Security
Healthcare Provider
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Built-in integrations 
for instant visibility

Built-in integrations 
for instant visibility

Obtain crucial decision-making data fast and accelerate return on your investment.

The platform supports the industry’s largest ecosystem of devices and systems. Once deployed, the built-in integrations provide seamless visibility, allowing users to see and monitor their devices quickly and effortlessly.

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Centralized asset and 
compliance management

Enhance operational efficiency, minimize the risk of security gaps, and optimize resource allocation.

Allows users to centralize and track all physical security devices in one place and ensure compliance with HIPAA standards. Detailed device information and geolocation data ensure complete visibility of the security infrastructure.

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Proactive and effortless life cycle management

Proactive and effortless life cycle management

Reduce maintenance costs, optimize the operational life of your devices, and maintain a continuously secure environment. Provides end-of-life and end-of-support status for each connected device.

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Actionable and dependable vulnerability visibility

Mitigate the risks of potentially catastrophic cybersecurity incidents and downtime and ensure long-term operational integrity and trust in your security systems. Identifies outdated firmware, unpatched systems, and misconfigurations.

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Automated and effortless password rotation

Automated and effortless password rotation

Mitigate cyber risks, prevent unauthorized access, and comply with HIPAA standards by making password rotation effortless with advanced automation.

Empowers teams to automate password rotation with the ability to automatically generate unique passwords per device for thousands of devices, eliminating the burden of carrying out tedious, error-prone, and often nonviable manual processes.

“We easily update the devices with the latest firmware versions possible and apply patches immediately.”

— Director of Physical Security
Healthcare Provider
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Reliable and efficient system-wide firmware upgrades

Minimize the risk of a cyber-attack on your devices due to unpatched vulnerabilities, a common cause of potentially catastrophic data breaches.

Effortlessly patch vulnerabilities and safely and reliably upgrade firmware across your connected physical security systems, eliminating the risk of costly service interruptions due to firmware mismatch or incompatibility. The platform’s firmware repository contains the latest firmware and a clear compatibility matrix across the connected devices, showing the unpatched vulnerabilities, device upgrade path, and system-wide compatibility.

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Complete and dependable certificate management

Complete and dependable certificate management

Reduce the risk of compromise or downtime due to vulnerable and expired certificates, comply with corporate and industry standards, and alleviate service interruptions due to expiration.

Managing and rotating certificates with SecuriThings is simple, fast, and reliable. You can quickly and efficiently manage certificates with your organization’s CA for both SSL/TLS and 802.1x authentication methods on all your physical security devices at a vast scale.

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Generate the reports 
you need fast

Streamline reporting by accessing the multiple available templates to generate reports quickly.

Within a few minutes, users can generate comprehensive reports for External Communications, Password Rotation, Ports & Protocols, Vulnerability Compliance, Video Stream Connections, and many more.


Getting started