Protect Hospital Physical Security from Cybercrime – read blog


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Safety & Compliance: Why Device Management Is Critical to the Aviation Industry

Keeping passengers and employees safe is the aviation industry’s most important priority – and there are plenty of threats to contend with, from accidents to acts of terrorism and criminal activity. Physical security teams rely on their fleets of devices to tackle these threats, including cameras, access control and alarm systems, and more.

The problem is that these devices are usually not consistently and adequately managed, leaving them prone to prolonged and undetected downtime and vulnerable to cyberattacks—a growing threat for the aviation industry.

Check out this resource to discover

How do inadequately managed physical security devices leave the aviation industry exposed to physical dangers?
How serious and widespread are the cyber risks stemming from inadequately managed physical security devices within the aviation industry?
How can SecuriThings help the aviation industry stay safe from physical and cyber dangers by improving its approach to managing physical security devices?

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