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Tech Companies’ Cybersecurity Relies on Physical Security Device Management

While organizations of all kinds rely on physical security devices to keep them safe, tech companies stand out for their need to protect sensitive customer information, trade secrets, and other intellectual property in order to stay competitive. Physical security devices can help them significantly – but in order to count on those devices, tech companies need to monitor and maintain them properly.

The problem is that even cutting-edge tech companies often struggle to manage their physical security devices adequately. In addition to compromising their physical security, this reality can leave tech companies vulnerable to cybercriminals who would love to hack into those devices.

Check out this resource to discover

How common is it for organizations to use physical security devices without managing them properly?
How dangerous is this situation for tech companies?
How can SecuriThings help tech companies improve their overall security posture by gaining visibility and automating the management of their physical security devices?

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