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Keeping Group Housing Safe using the Power of IoTOps Automation



Security is the single most important precaution necessary to protect the highly vulnerable populations who live in assisted living centers, domestic violence safe houses, homeless shelters, and other emergency housing facilities. Entrances, lobby areas, emergency exits, elevators, parking lots, and the external perimeter must be monitored and secured at all times. Any lapse in security can be a matter of life and death—literally.


Security Staff Cannot Manage Alone


But this is easier said than done. Community housing facilities often have charity status and rely on donations for their operational budget. Round-the-clock security guards and other traditional safety measures may not be possible with the limited funds available. These facilities have recognized the need to spend smarter in order to stretch their resources as far as possible.

To this end, group housing facilities – of any size — have been increasingly relying on physical security Internet of Things (IoT) devices to augment their staff and keep their buildings safe. There may be hundreds of connected devices deployed throughout a group facility, including internally-locked entrances and doors with 24/7 video-monitored access to the building.

While physical security staff may now have the technology-based support necessary to secure their sites and their residents, they have an added challenge: they must keep these devices operational, compliant, and online at all times.


Challenge of IoT Operational Management


Once the devices are installed, the Physical Security team is fully responsible for managing these devices, often on a manual device-by-device basis. However, an average facility may have a wide array of physical security devices sourced from different manufacturers and spread across multiple buildings. With the number of devices, types of devices, and models, Physical Security teams are challenged with retaining a complete view of the deployed devices and their statuses, making it difficult to manage and support from a maintenance and compliance standpoint.


The required daily maintenance is time-consuming and costly. When a physical security device malfunctions, the team often lacks visibility into the cause of the issue, resulting in a lengthy time to resolve and inadequate security if a centrally-located camera or main intercom system is down. In addition, if firmware is not upgraded or passwords are not rotated, devices can be vulnerable to cybersecurity risks.


Peace of Mind through Centralization & Automation

IoTOps is a practice that allows teams who are responsible for the operational management of physical security devices to manage them in a consolidated, automated and secure manner. IoTOps aims to provide a fully functioning fleet of physical security devices no matter how large or geographically dispersed – and ensure uncompromised compliance, constant availability, and high levels of security.

Read this Case Study to learn how the largest shelter in North America synchronized and automated the operational management of their security devices with SecuriThings Enterprise. Find out how the shelter’s security personnel gained complete visibility and control over all cameras and access control, enabling them to better protect their clients, staff, volunteers, and community members. 

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