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SecuriThings Automates Security Operations for an Oil & Gas Company

As important as physical security is for energy companies, protecting all of their sites is no small feat. It’s common for these companies to have numerous sites to protect – upstream and downstream facilities for extracting and processing resources such as oil and natural gas, as well as corporate offices and commercial locations – and some of these sites are remote and rarely visited.

While IoT devices can help energy companies to address their physical security needs efficiently, operationally managing those devices is a complex challenge. Not only do many of these organizations struggle with a lack of real-time visibility into the operational status of any given device, but they must ensure that routine maintenance steps take place in line with relevant regulations and company policies. And taking those maintenance steps manually on a massive scale tends to become so cumbersome and time-consuming as to be virtually impossible, especially given the wide variety of IoT devices that can be included within an organization’s fleet.

Despite the physical security challenges facing energy companies, IoTOps can help these organizations ensure that their IoT devices run securely and reliably, with minimal downtime.

To show you how, this case study tells the story of how SecuriThings streamlined the operational management of the company’s physical security devices and the key benefits the company realized as a result of automation. As well as the key benefits that it has seen as a result of automating the operational management of its physical security devices.

Download the case study to learn more about:

Why it can be particularly challenging for major energy companies to ensure that their physical security devices run continuously and securely
How SecuriThings Enterprise can help energy companies address the key challenges surrounding their IoT devices
How Enterprise has enabled a major global oil and gas company to significantly improve its physical security posture

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