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Why Us?

A unified solution that consolidates, automates & secures all your connected devices.

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A software-only solution that enables organizations to manage IoT devices at scale, while providing real-time visibility and control. Horizon standardizes the operational management of devices, empowering teams to ensure compliance and improve the cybersecurity posture of their IoT environments. Once deployed, the solution provides risk detection, predictive maintenance, and automated operations, all from a single pane of glass.

How it works

Deployment within 24 hrs


Enables single sign-on (SSO) with SAML 2.0, as well as  out-of-the-box integrations with third-party systems  such as ServiceNow, Splunk, Microsoft Sentinel, and  others. 


Consolidates the view across all sites, all devices, and  all management systems. Its features include a real time geo-location module, compliance reporting, smart  alerts, and more.


Aggregates data and provides actionable insights  if deviations are identified or actions are required.  It then sends alerts to the Horizon Dashboard for  further analysis. 


Deployed on a local appliance or virtual machine,  which interacts with the management system (such  as a VMS) to verify managed devices and pull real time data. The Connector is also responsible for  deploying Horizon Edge.


Provides visibility and control over edge devices.  These capabilities include continuously pulling and  pushing data from the edge devices and performing  various automated operations such as device restarts,  password rotations, firmware upgrades, and more.

Deployment within 24 hrs

Customer Success

Provides ongoing, comprehensive support by a team of SecuriThings’ experts. These professionals constantly monitor the health of the system and are available to assist customers with training, best practices, support, and much more.

Redefining the way organizations manage and secure IoT devices at scale

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  • Improved system availability
  • Significant cost savings
  • Ensured compliance
  • Protection from cyber threats
  • Visibility for future planning

Taking you from Reactive to Automated Maintenance

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